Mayor Adler Calls Gentrification “a Good Thing” as Displacement in Austin Reaches Record Levels


Austin is in the middle of a full-blown displacement crisis. The number of local residents pushed out of their homes by wealthy newcomers and gentrification has skyrocketed over the past 20 years, and City Hall’s controversial “Son of CodeNEXT” rezoning proposal will only accelerate the trend. Low-income residents of color have been the hardest-hit. Austin ...

Q&A with “Zoned Out” Director Steve Mims

Community Not Commodity

  Directed by Austin filmmaker Steve Mims, Zoned Out: The Legacy of CodeNEXT is an independently funded investigative documentary focusing on the City of Austin’s repeated attempts to rezone our community’s established neighborhoods. It takes a hard look at the economic and political forces that fueled the failed CodeNEXT plan and that pushed for its ...

The Son of CodeNEXT Is Growing Up Fast

Community Not Commodity

In May, the Austin City Council sent City Manager Spencer Cronk a controversial set of instructions for his rewrite of our community’s land development code, a project the local media has nicknamed “Son of CodeNEXT.” Those instructions called for the creation of “transition” zones, large areas of Austin’s single-family neighborhoods where the city council wants ...

Is Your Home Threatened by the Son of CodeNEXT? Check Our Updated Map to Find Out


Nicknamed “Son of CodeNEXT” by the local media, the City of Austin’s latest land-redevelopment scheme threatens virtually every neighborhood in our community. In June, we released this map showing areas of the city (“transition” zones) where local officials plan to forcibly rezone homes later this year, an attempt to “densify” Austin’s neighborhoods. That rezoning will ...