Will Our City Council Allow the East Austin Gold Rush to Continue?

Community Not Commodity

On Thursday, October 1, our city council will make a final decision on the latest East Austin gold rush. Will they side with land developers or support the community’s protest rights? In August, at the first reading of the Montopolis zoning change, the council majority voted with developers and did not honor the neighborhoods’ valid ...

One of America’s Leading Experts on Zoning Lives in Austin. Why Won’t City Hall Listen to Him?

Community Not Commodity

No Austinite knows more about city planning and municipal zoning than Jim Duncan. Duncan is the former president of the American Planning Association and former head of Austin’s planning department, and as a private consultant he has helped more than 200 cities across the nation successfully rewrite their land codes. During Austin’s last major land-code ...

Stop City Hall From Making Another Affordable-Housing Blunder

Community Not Commodity

This Thursday, our city council members are poised to do something unbelievable. If they accept the municipal staff’s recommendations, they will award two affordable-housing projects to a pair of arts groups that have no experience in the field. If they do so, they will be passing over East Austin’s Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation (GNDC), which ...

Tell City Hall to Stop the Gentrification Gold Rush in East Austin


The gold rush is on in East Austin! On Thursday, August 27, for-profit land developers will push the city council to massively and speculatively rezone numerous tracts in modest and low-income communities of color in East and Southeast Austin. They are hoping to pass these upzonings under the cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is ...