The Watson Council Sets Hearings on “H.O.M.E.NEXT,” Compatibility, and Higher-Density Zones for April 11 and May 16

KEY POINTS: In December 2023, Mayor Kirk Watson and the Austin City Council passed Phase 1 of the H.O.M.E.NEXT ordinance, based upon an earlier resolution to rezone and redevelop single-family neighborhoods—enter your address here to see how you are impacted In preparation for the plan’s second phase, the Watson council began sending lavender postcards to ...

City Hall’s So-Called “H.O.M.E.” Ordinance: What Passed and What Is Coming

Community Not Commodity

KEY POINTS: In December 2023, the Austin City Council passed Phase 1 of its controversial “H.O.M.E.” rezoning and redevelopment ordinance Phase 1 authorizes three dwelling units per lot, expands the use of short-term rentals (STRs), allows structures far larger than the existing “McMansion” ordinance, and more The next phase will further densify existing neighborhoods, and ...

URGENT: How to Attend the City Council’s Dec. 7 Vote on “H.O.M.E.” and Speak Out Against the Plan

Community Not Commodity

KEY POINTS: On December 7, the Austin City Council will vote on “H.O.M.E.”, a rezoning plan that will end single-family zoning throughout Austin, raise taxes, and displace vulnerable residents Concerned residents should register online to attend the meeting and speak out publicly against the plan See below for tips on attending the meeting, speaking publicly, ...

If You Have Deed Restrictions or Live in an HOA, City Hall’s “H.O.M.E.” Rezoning Plan Impacts You

Community Not Commodity

KEY POINTS: The City of Austin’s latest rezoning plan applies to areas with deed restrictions and HOAs, despite claims to the contrary Enforcing deed restrictions and HOA rules requires costly court action File your protest by December 5 to protect your home and neighborhood from the latest changes Don’t be fooled! City Hall’s controversial “H.O.M.E.” ...