By now, you’ve probably heard the City of Austin is raising CodeNEXT from the dead—but did you know you have the power to fight back?

Section 211.006(d) of the Texas Local Government Code gives you the right to protest zoning changes affecting your property and properties located nearby. Community Not Commodity launched to give Austin residents a fast, easy way to take advantage of that law and protest City Hall’s rezoning plan. 

When you use to protect a piece of property, Community Not Commodity’s legal team believes local officials will be unable to legally rezone it without approval by three-fourths of the Austin City Council (9 of 11 votes), rather than a simple majority.

Texas law also allows you to band together with your neighbors and jointly protest the rezoning of a nearby property that none of you own, such as a commercial development abutting your homes. Go to to learn more about this process.

If Austinites fail to take action, virtually all of the city will be rezoned for greater density. Land developers will be allowed to build up to three dwelling units on any 5,000 square foot lot with a structure 30 years or older already on it. Parking is not required for the additional dwelling units, and up to six unrelated adults will be allowed to live in each unit. In neighborhood “transition zones,” land developers will be allowed to construct buildings 40-45 feet tall on individual lots, with 8-10 residential units on each.

The City of Austin claims local residents cannot protest the rezoning plan, arguing that protest rights do not apply in comprehensive revisions of a city’s land development code. Community Not Commodity’s legal team believes city officials are wrong. There is no such exception in state law.

In order for your rezoning protest to be considered valid, you must file it before the Austin City Council votes on its rezoning plan. That vote could come as soon as December 9, 2019. To protect your property, file a rezoning protest at as soon as possible, but no later than December 5, 2019. 

Together we can build an Austin for everyone!