If you live in Austin and aren’t a member of the 1%, then watch out: The “next” CodeNEXT has arrived, and it could displace you, your family, and your neighbors.
It all depends on the location of your home. Check our map to see if you’re at risk.
A few weeks ago, the Austin City Council issued a set of land-redevelopment directives that could lead to the demolition of tens of thousands of homes and apartment units across Austin and the construction of large, luxurious condominiums in their place. To make it happen, council members are creating what they call “transition” zones in neighborhoods throughout our community.
Inside those transition zones, land and tax values will rise sharply. Home sales are likely to result in demolitions, and most new construction will be multifamily rental, condominiums, or mixed use (commercial and residential). Some single-family lots near corridors will be forcibly rezoned to accommodate structures as high as 65 feet.
If you live in or near a transition zone, then you and your neighbors are at risk of displacement through tax increases, rent hikes, and gentrification. Click here to learn more.
Want to stop the city’s plan? First, sign our petition demanding that the city council withdraw its plan. Then forward this post to your friends, neighbors, and neighborhood listserv. Finally, please consider donating to Community Not Commodity so we can spread the word about transition zones and their threat to our homes.
Together we can build an Austin for everyone!