austin compatibility rules


  • A group of Austin City Council members are repackaging the anti-neighborhood proposals recently defeated at the Texas Legislature and are preparing to push them through City Hall
  • The proposals include further losses of compatibility, increases in building heights, and more giveaways to profit-driven land developers
  • Contact council members today and tell them that impacted residents deserve to be notified of these changes, and the opportunity to provide input

With the help of thousands of supporters like you, we successfully convinced state lawmakers to drop Senate Bill 491 (the “Skyscraper Bill”), Senate Bill 1787 (the “Mini-Lots Bill), and a handful of other measures promoted by Austin land developers during the Texas Legislature’s recent session.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to let our guard down: As an aide to Austin City Council Member Zohaib “Zo” Qadri made clear last week, the proposals defeated at the Capitol are being repackaged for quick passage at City Hall:

Here are a few of the new initiatives lined up for the council meeting this Thursday, June 8:

AGENDA ITEM: 45 (Further loss of compatibility)
DETAILS: The resolution listed as Item #45 seeks to change compatibility requirements even more than last year’s “Corridor Overlay,” allowing tall buildings 100 feet or closer from any of Austin’s existing homes. Despite the city council’s “affordability” lip service, the initiative would not require any affordable housing in exchange for the new entitlements, and would allow even more waivers to the 2022 policy.

AGENDA ITEM: 40 (Return of the “Mini-Lots Bill”)
DETAILS: The resolution listed as Item #40 would create a new density bonus program in single family residence neighborhoods “calibrating” land entitlements to produce “market-driven” affordable housing without “public subsidy,” possibly echoing the Legislature’s failed “Mini-Lots Bill.”

AGENDA ITEM: 41 (More unaffordable increases in building height)
DETAILS: The resolution listed as Item #41 proposes another density bonus program allowing increased building height for some percentage of income-restricted units.

AGENDA ITEM: 53 (Grab-bag of developer giveaways)
DETAILS: The giant list of recommendations grouped together as Item #53 would amend our Land Development Code as follows: make it easy to subdivide existing lots of less than one acre), further reduce compatibility, further eliminate parking, amend our accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and equitable transportation-oriented district (ETOD) codes, remove occupancy limits, reduce site plan requirements, and add a new zoning district called “Town Zoning” which would have a base height of 60 feet, 95% impervious cover, five-foot setbacks, and reductions in compatibility, parking, and affordable housing requirements.

Reach out to Mayor Kirk Watson and your representative on the Austin City Council today, and let them know you object to rushed resolutions calling for multiple land-code amendments with no notice, consultation, or input from communities that will be impacted. This is unfair and undemocratic.

Together we can build an Austin for everyone!

Mayor Kirk Watson: | 512-978-2100

Natasha Harper-Madison (District 1): | 512-978-2101

Vanessa Fuentes (District 2): | 512-978-2102

José Velásquez (District 3): | 512-978-2103

José “Chito” Vela (District 4): | 512-978-2104

Ryan Alter (District 5): | 512-978-2105

Mackenzie Kelly (District 6): | 512-978-2106

Leslie Pool (District 7): | 512-978-2107

Paige Ellis (District 8): | 512-978-2108

Zohaib “Zo” Qadri (District 9): | 512-978-2109

Alison Alter (District 10): | 512-978-2110

You may send a single email to the mayor and all council members using this form.