The City Council continues to “reimagine” Austin with items on this Thursday’s Council Agenda.

Limiting Drip Irrigation

You may use drip irrigation in your garden because of its ability to conserve water and efficiency over conventional sprinklers.    The city has noticed that, though, and it is introducing a new ordinance  (Item 6) to restrict the use of drip irrigation in your yard at the same level as conventional sprinklers (twice a week).  Remember that the City’s water system leaks 6.9 billion gallons of water per year – enough to fill 12,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Huge Bonuses for Housing in Industrial Zones

The Council is also considering an ordinance (Item 81) to create a new district, PDA 2, that will apply to industrial areas and near highways, including a density bonus program  DB240 (Item 82) to go with it, allowing residential development. This bonus would allow up to 240 feet of height.  A letter from UT researchers says: “…But the DB240 proposal before you actually adds residential uses to an area currently zoned for high intensity uses, including uses that spew pollutants known to endanger people living nearby into the air. And I understand that current uses would be grandfathered.”

More DB90 giveaways

Additional DB-90 upzoning is being considered in East Austin along 2nd  (item87) and 5th (Item 89) Street and East 38 1/2 Street  (Item 94) in Cherrywood, where 74 existing affordable housing units would be slated for demolition, with several others in the lineup on West 24th  (Item 111), Vargas Road (Item 85) and Willow Creek (Item 96).

Should  Hotel use Satisfy Residential Requirements in Density Bonuses?

In the flurry of upzonings all across the city that is incompatible with the surrounding or nearby neighborhoods – the city council has adopted a whole new definition of affordable housing.  (Item 112)    In a case involving a small lot on West 5th Street, they have decided that “hotel use” can substitute for  multi-family housing – in requesting to double the allowed height from 60 to 120 feet.    Read more in our blogpost “City Hall Negotiating Hotel as Residential Use.”