Score another win for the Austin grassroots!
Judge Orlinda Naranjo has upheld the petition filed by neighborhood activists in March. That means Austin voters will have an opportunity to vote for a special ballot proposition this November, one designed to protect our community from CodeNEXT and plans like it.
We’ve received a lot of questions about the ballot proposition since the judge released her order. Here are a few of the most common:
Q: Will the November ballot proposition give Austin residents a chance to vote on CodeNEXT?
A: Not right away, but if it passes it will give them the opportunity to cast that vote later. The language of the November ballot proposition calls for voter approval of CodeNEXT before city officials are allowed to put the controversial plan into effect. That means local residents will eventually have the opportunity to vote for or against CodeNEXT if the members of the Austin City Council decide to adopt it on their own.
Q: How should residents opposed to CodeNEXT vote in November, then?
A: Residents opposed to CodeNEXT should vote “for” the ballot proposition this November. If that ballot proposition passes, it will give them something they haven’t had in the past: a choice on CodeNEXT.
Q: If the November ballot proposition passes, can the Austin City Council skirt the new law simply by renaming CodeNEXT?
A: No. The language of the ballot proposition applies to any comprehensive development plan, regardless of the way it is packaged.
Voting for the November ballot proposition is like installing an “emergency stop button” on CodeNEXT. It won’t do away with CodeNEXT immediately, but it gives local residents a chance to take that action later, if the city council decides to charge forward with the plan rather than take a more community-friendly approach.
Have any other questions about CodeNEXT or the November ballot proposition? Feel free to send them to us at
If you want to to take a stand for your community and help us spread the word about CodeNEXT, then please consider donating to our effort.
Together we can build an Austin for everyone!